Do you have a question? We discuss the most frequently asked questions here.

General questions

As soon as we have found a suitable candidate, we put the house 'in option'. This means that the house is reserved for a candidate. If, after viewing the property, the candidate indicates not to want to rent, we will look at other registrations for this property. So it always makes sense to register! If the candidate wants to rent the house, the house will remain 'in option' until the lease has been signed.

This differs per home. Most houses must be rented for at least one year, with some houses this period is at least two years. Ask the rental agent what the minimum rental period is for the property you have in mind.

No unfortunately, urgency is not possible with us. All home seekers registered with us have the same chance of being eligible for the available homes.

It is always annoying to hear that you are not eligible for a home. There can be several reasons for a rejection. We would be happy to explain our working method to you, so that you may be able to better understand the rejection.

We work for clients who want to have certainty that a tenant pays the rent neatly and on time. To ensure this, they have drawn up guidelines on which we carefully assess (prospective) tenants. Our goal is to find a good match between the home and the candidate.

Each client applies its own guidelines. The situation therefore differs per home. Often the basic guidelines are stated in the advertisement of the offered property.
In general, the guidelines are as follows:

- The gross monthly income must be 3.5 / 4 times the basic rent of the house
- The income of a possible partner can be counted for half
- We are not allowed to include agency work employment contracts with phase A in the income
- There must be at least a one-year contract
- A bad payment history can be a reason for rejection
- We are unfortunately not allowed to offer housing to persons under administration
- Guarantee by third parties is not permitted
- Are you an entrepreneur? Then you must be able to submit the last 2 annual figures

We are aware that the above means that we cannot help every home seeker. If your personal situation changes, we will always review this and see whether we can still be of service to you. So do you get a higher salary or a different contract? Then adjust this information in your personal customer file and do not hesitate to contact us again!

That is annoying, because we keep a home in option for you for a longer period of time and other candidates will not be given the opportunity to respond to this home. We have also already done a lot of work for you.

If you cancel the rental after (verbal) agreement, we are therefore forced to charge our expenses in the amount of (maximum) one month's rent.

Change contract

You can apply for co-tenancy if you are not yet on the rental contract. As a co-tenant you have the same rights and obligations as the main tenant. We set the condition that you run a sustainable joint household. For example, a guest or subtenant cannot become a co-tenant.

-You are legally a co-tenant if you are married or have entered into a registered partnership with the tenant, as long as you live in the same house. Your husband / wife / registered partner must be registered with us.

Incase you married are or one registered partnership have entered into, we need the following information:

  • The name of the husband / wife / registered partner
  • Signature of the husband / wife / registered partner
  • Signature of the tenant
  • A copy of the marriage certificate / registration certificate


-Do you live together? Then you can apply for co-tenancy.

We apply the following rules for this:

  • You have been registered together at the address with the municipality for at least 2 years
  • You are both able to (only) bear the financial obligations

Wij hebben de volgende gegevens van je nodig:

  • Your partner's name
  • The commencement date of the co-tenant
  • The tenant's signature
  • The signature of the partner

Na ontvangst van de volledige aanvraag via ‘Aanvraag contractwijziging‘ krijg je van ons bericht waarin staat of de aanvraag is goedgekeurd of afgewezen.

Aan deze administratieve wijziging zijn kosten verbonden. Wij zijn genoodzaakt om voor de wijziging € 151,25 in rekening te brengen.

First of all, we offer our condolences on your loss.

Legally you are automatically the only tenant if you are married, have a registered partnership or if you are listed as a (co-) tenant on the lease. You can let us know by e-mail or in a letter that your partner has passed away. Do not forget to sign this letter and add the death certificate.

Pay attention! If you are listed on the death certificate as a married partner, but you are not known to us as a tenant, please include a recent extract from the Basic Registration Persons (BRP) of yourself.

You are not automatically the only tenant if you are not known to us as a tenant and also not as a partner on the death certificate. In this case, applying for tenancy is necessary.

If your application for tenancy is not approved, the rental contract will be terminated and we will agree on the end date of the rental contract.

Het verzoek om het contract te wijzigen zal vanuit beide huurders dienen te komen via ‘Aanvraag contractwijziging‘.


If you are going to divorce and one of the two continues to live in the house, you must inform us about this. We will request the details of the person who continues to rent the house in order to determine again whether he can bear the rental costs alone. For this we need:

  • Last 3 payslips
  • Employer's statement
  • A recent extract of the Basic Registration Persons (BRP) deregistration of the co-tenant who is leaving
  • A copy of the divorce agreement and the registration of the divorce at the registry office

After receiving these documents, we will process the application and inform you about it.

End of cohabitation

If you decide to separate and one of you continues to live in the house, you must inform us about this.

We will request the details of the person who continues to rent the house in order to determine again whether he can bear the rental costs alone. For this we need:

  • Last 3 payslips
  • Employer's statement
  • A recent extract of the Basic Registration Persons (BRP) deregistration of the co-tenant who is leaving

Het wijzigen van het contract brengt administratie kosten met zich mee. Wij zijn genoodzaakt om €151,25 in rekening te brengen.


Is er iets kapot in je woning of in het gebouw waar je woont? Je kunt je reparatieverzoek bij ons melden via ‘Reparatieverzoek indienen‘.

Wil je weten of je zelf de reparatie moet uitvoeren of dat je een reparatieverzoek hiervoor moet indienen? Kijk dan in de onderhoudswijzer.

Terminate rent

If you want to cancel the rent of the current rental property, you can do so from the 1st of the month. The notice period is 1 calendar month. Please note that the minimum rental period must have expired. The exact length of this minimum rental period is stated in the rental agreement. This period is usually one year.

Voorbeeld: is je contract ingegaan op 1 april? Dan dient je opzegging voor 1 maart ondertekend bij ons binnen te zijn. Je laatste huurdag is dan 31 maart.

You can cancel your rent via our website mijnnmgwoning.nl

In principle, takeover is not possible. The house must be delivered in accordance with the agreements made during the pre-inspection.


There is one exception to this. If a new successive rent is already known at the time of the pre-inspection, you can discuss possible acquisitions with this successive tenant. The condition is that the technical supervisor must approve the acquisitions. If no agreement can be reached with the successive tenant regarding the takeover of goods, all your belonging goods must be removed from the home before the end of the rental period.

If there are any questions regarding acquisitions, you can always discuss this with our technical supervisor during the pre-inspection.

Helaas is het niet mogelijk om kandidaten aan te dragen. In het geval je iemand weet die interesse heeft in de huurwoning die je achterlaat, kan deze persoon zich bij ons inschrijven als woningzoekende. Dit kan via onze website. Met een eigen account kan men zich inschrijven voor de specifieke woning als deze online is gekomen. Let op: de kandidaat zal gewoon meegaan in de selectieprocedure met andere kandidaten voor de woning. Maak dus geen afspraken met deze kandidaat. Het kan zomaar zijn dat uit onze lotingsprocedure een andere kandidaat voor de woning wordt geselecteerd.

Rent increase

The rent is increased annually, usually on July 1 of each year. The amount of the rent increase depends on a number of issues, including the agreements in the lease and general rental legislation.

Meer weten over de jaarlijkse huurverhoging? Kijk op onze website www.mijnnmgwoning.nl en zoek op huurverhoging.

An IBRI statement is a statement from the tax authorities that they can provide you. This statement states your income for the year requested. You can request this statement from the tax authorities.

Meer weten over huren bij NMG

Op onze website www.mijnnmgwoning.nl vind je meer informatie over huren bij NMG.

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